Registration Form
Front Office Phone:
Extended Care Cell Phone number: 540-295-5005
Before-care Hours:
7 am to 8 am
After-care Hours:
3:30 to 6:00
Half-day Hours:
12:15 to 6:00
Registration Fee: $35/year per family
1st Child Hourly Rate: $9.00
2nd Child and Beyond: $7.00/hr
Late Fee: $1 per minute/per child
Snacks: $1.50
Our Morning-Care Program begins at 7 AM. It is always held in the cafeteria. Children are allowed to finish homework, talk with a friend, play games, or eat breakfast. They are dismissed to go to classrooms when the carline begins in the front of the school.
The After-Care Program begins at 3:30 (PreK begins at 3:15) and ends at 6 PM. Most days, our afternoon schedule will be the same. We meet in the cafeteria. We have snack time while limited activities are available.
From there, weather-permitting, we will head outside to the playground for 20-30 minutes. If there is inclement weather, we will go to the gym. (There will be a few occasions when we cannot go to the gym due to conflicting schedules with sports teams or other school activities. If this happens, unfortunately, we will head straight into homework time.)
After recess, we make our way back to the cafeteria for homework time. Please note that Extended Care is not an academic program. We can assist with homework, but with many children to supervise, we cannot provide personal tutoring. After homework, the children are then allowed to choose games and other activities. On Fridays, we may have computers available to use for games.
This is our usual schedule, but we do share spaces with other clubs and activities. In some instances our schedules will vary. For example, on half days, we may retreat into the library for a movie after lunch and recess. At all times, we have a sign posted on the cafeteria doors with our location and our phone number.
Monday: Triscuit Crackers (Original) and String Cheese
Tuesday: No Sugar Added Applesauce and Belvita Biscuits (2)
Wednesday: Yoplait Simply Go-Gurt Tubes and fresh fruit
Thursday: Nature's Bakery Fig Bars (Blueberry, Fig, and Raspberry available)
Friday: Skinny Pop Popcorn and 100% fruit juice
The billing cyle ends on the 15th of each month. A paper bill details all charges is sent home with your oldest child, then you will be billed through FACTS. All payments should be received by the 10th of the following month.
Any questions regarding Extended Care can be sent to [email protected].